Queue Management Technology and Customer Flow Solutions
Soluciones de hospitalidad

Cree una Lealtad corporativa al mostrar que le interesa.

Todo el mundo quiere ser tratado como un cliente VIP. Cree un espacio de bienvenida con nuestros productos clásicos de guía para el público, tales como los cordones de terciopelo, los postes de cinturón personalizables, y los elegantes barandales arquitectónicos. Para profundizar su relación con los invitados, las soluciones de tecnología de Lavi reúnen datos desde el registro -de manera que usted pueda identificar a los clientes VIP e ir más allá para incrementar la lealtad a su marca y personalizar el viaje de su invitado. Una verdadera experiencia VIP para todos.

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Experiencia en Tienda

Estudios de Caso

Experiencia del Pasajero

La Experiencia del Campus

Soluciones Tecnológicas

How Queue Management Technology Improves Customer Service [Infographic]

Your queue is often the last horizon before a customer transitions from your business to whatever is next on their list. A good experience is a must to land your customer relationship on the loyal side. We explore queue management technologies that enhance the customer experience.

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Virtual Queuing for Restaurants

You can offer your guests a better way to wait while setting your restaurant apart from competitors and reducing lost revenue from impatient guests walking away before they are seated. The answer is virtual queuing.

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Why is Queue Management Technology in Demand?

In today’s increasingly competitive business environment, it is imperative that businesses evaluate their organizations for ways to better anticipate customer needs, improve processes, and increase efficiency. We look at 4 key reasons why queue management technology fits the bill.

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Using Queuing Analytics Technology to Improve the Customer Experience [Infographic]

As someone who manages the queuing process for your business, you are challenged to move customers through the line at an optimal rate and to make the wait more enjoyable—or at least tolerable—for customers. Queuing Analytics technology can do just that.

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La Tecnología de Gestión de Colas

El Flujo de Clientes y Gestión de Colas

La Tecnología al Por Menor

El Caja de Cola

Educación Continua

Merchandising en la Cola

Seguridad Pública

Casos de Uso

Flujo de Pacientes

Eficiencia del Servicio

Experiencia del Cliente

La Experiencia de los Huéspedes

4 Tips to Create a VIP Guest Experience

Success in the hospitality industry is about far more than just filling seats and beds. Success today requires a holistic approach to treating each guest like a VIP. And for guests who truly are your best, most loyal customers, you must ensure you can identify and reward them accordingly with service above and beyond what is expected.

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How to Loop Customer Feedback into Your Queuing Strategy

Footfall and queuing analytics systems can transform how we service customers. But do these tools really help you meet your customers’ needs accurately? How do you know? If you’re not including the customers in the conversation, you may need to revise your strategy.

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Footfall Analytics Meets the Customer Experience

The data you can capture through footfall analytics is incredibly useful for future planning, but the real power is when this data can be put to use in real time to directly impact the customer experience. Today's footfall analytics systems can make this happen.

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Waiting Line Fallout: What Makes Your Customers Leave?

A recent Walker study reports that by the year 2020 customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. Customers demand anytime anywhere service. If they must wait, they want to choose to do it on their terms. So what do customers want in order to stay? And why do they leave?

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3 Ways to Improve Restaurant Customer Service with Virtual Queuing

More customers are a good thing for restaurants, but more customers often equates to longer wait times. And longer wait times equate to more opportunities for walk-outs, disappointed customers, and lost sales. Restaurants are turning to technology to help manage the customer experience.

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Eficiencia Operacional

A New Way to Approach Facility Maintenance [Video]

Studies show that dirty or poorly-maintained facilities turn customers away and lead to negative word of mouth. It pays to invest in maintaining your restrooms for optimal cleanliness. But doing so can be a real drain on a wide range of resources. That's where Qtrac iM Intelligent Facility Maintenance steps in.

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Conjuntos de Barandilla

Enfoque del Producto

Cómo se Hace

Control de Multitudes y Colas

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