How Mobile Changes the Virtual Queuing Game

Cómo la tecnología móvil cambia el juego de la fila virtual

Última actualización: June 15, 2016Perry Kuklin

Virtual queuing changes the way customers wait by removing the physical waiting line and dispersing people to wait where they please. In a wide range of industries, virtual queue technology is increasing efficiencies while also empowering, impressing, and delighting customers.

But wait, there’s more. Now, virtual queuing is going even further. With a few taps, businesses are meeting customers right where they are - on their mobile devices – and putting power and control into their hands, literally.

With mobile-enabled virtual queue technology, customers and businesses can get (and stay) connected in multiple ways:

Website or Mobile App

Virtual queue technology integrates directly into your website or mobile app, allowing your customers to schedule service, check wait times, or request in-store pick-up where they already know how to find you.

Two-way texting

Nearly everyone now has a mobile device. This current reality allows you to meet your customers where you know you can find them, with convenient technology they are comfortable using. Additionally, connecting through mobile allows customers the flexibility of waiting almost anywhere, affording customers to use their time in more productive ways.

Personal Queue Display

With a quick text message, customers can jump in line from virtually anywhere and keep tabs on their own progress. Not only does this keep customers involved while they wait, it also provides a sense of control which customers appreciate. When you take your queue virtual, the main outcome is happy customers, a benefit that cascades far beyond the single interaction. However, your ‘internal customers’ benefit too:

  • Staff efficiencies increase as they focus more on serving customers instead of managing crowds.
  • Crowds remain dispersed which frees up more space for merchandise.
  • Need for internal IT resources is drastically reduced — customers use their own technology.
  • Multiple channels of communication to customers means opportunities for relationship building and frequency of contact beyond the single interaction.

Set your business apart by establishing a mobile-virtual queue for your customers - give them the freedom to wait without waiting in line and enjoy the growth in another line - your bottom line.


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