10 Great Ideas for Digital Signage

10 Great Ideas for Digital Signage

Last updated: August 07, 2012Perry Kuklin

Digital signage has been embraced by companies big and small in industries ranging from retail to healthcare as an effective, flexible, and highly customizable means of communication. It can be as complex as 3-D and interactive media or as simple as static images displayed on screen. The increasing fascination with digital signage comes from its inherent ability to capture attention and alter customer behavior. At Lavi, our focus on public guidance naturally leads us to look at digital signage as a way to facilitate queuing and customer flow.  Along these lines, here are some great digital signage ideas to improve your customer’s experience waiting in your line or navigating through your venue:

display wait time for queue

1. Display estimated wait time.

Known wait times feel shorter than unknown waits. If an individual knowingly steps into a line where the wait time is stated as 30 minutes, the likelihood of that person reneging is very slim (unless of course that 30 minute wait you promised turns into 35 minutes). With digital signage you can display wait times based on line length and other factors, or in the case of virtual queuing where you know exactly what time a person arrives, you can provide customized wait time estimates.

2. Lighten up the mood.

If your brand lends itself to humor and your customers tend to appreciate it, use your digital signage to lighten up people’s mood, especially when the line is long or the situation is stressful. Silly jokes, funny video clips, goofy trivia questions… if humor fits, wear it.

3. Share your knowledge.

Does your business sell information? Does your business specialize in computers, financial planning, gardening, or cooking? Use your digital signage to share your knowledge by displaying “how to” videos, tips, easy recipes, or simple facts and figures.

4. Inspire people.

Show photos or videos of your employees’ charitable activities, display inspirational quotes, or feature awe-inspiring photos. If you’re in the home improvement business, show before and after DIY project photos. If your business solves a problem, find a way to make it inspiring.

5. Show your green side.

Green is good. Use your digital signage to communicate your environmental initiatives. Show photos, demonstrate impact, and provide information on how your customers can help.  Point out your recycling bins, promote an ink recycling program, promote reusable shopping bags, exhibit your use of alternative energy or other practices you have in place.

digital signage

6. Promote some stuff!

Everyone likes a great deal. If you have an irresistible offer or a hot new product, use your digital signage system to promote it. Not only can advertising be entertaining, thereby keeping your waiting patrons happily occupied, it can stimulate impulse and repeat purchases when displayed in your checkout queue.

Bonus tip: Place your promotionally-oriented digital signage alongside the product you’re promoting, right there in the queue using in-line merchandising displays, and watch your impulse sales skyrocket up to 400%!

7. Offer directions.

When it comes to customer flow and wayfinding, digital signage is hard to beat. Digital signage can direct people to the fastest exit routes, instruct people on how to find their assigned seats, and even point people to the start of the checkout line.  These directions can be updated on the fly as new lines open up or as the flow of traffic needs to be re-routed.

8. Make the rules clear.

Do you have important safety rules (no sitting on the wall, no leaning on the stanchions, etc.), waiting line requirements (such as paperwork that must be completed before entering the line), or limitations (no outside food or drink, for example)? Digital signage can bring these often-ignored rules to life through video, audio, and visual cues that can transcend communication and language barriers to enhance safety and order in your facility.

9.  Count down to departure, arrival, or start times.

Back to idea #1, known waits feel shorter than unknown waits so it’s a great idea to use digital signage to display wait times in your queue. It’s also a great idea to display countdowns for people who are waiting for a loved one to arrive at your station, waiting to depart on the next flight or tour, or waiting for a show or demonstration to begin. 

(While they’re waiting, don’t forget some of the other ideas above – promote stuff, entertain them, and keep them happily distracted.)

10. Make it a double!  (Electronic queuing + digital signage)

Electronic queuing systems integrated with digital signage displays, such as our own QtracCF call-forward electronic queuing systems for linear queues, increase service efficiency, decrease average wait times, and add advertising and promotional opportunities right into the queue.

Our QtracVR virtual queuing systems enhance service-oriented environments by freeing customers from waiting in line. While they browse, shop, or just relax, their perceived wait times are dramatically reduced. Best of all, both varieties include digital media management capabilities to easily deploy digital communications as between-queue messaging or separate from the queue messaging as standalone digital signs.  

Whether you’re a newbie in the digital signage world or looking to take your signage to the next level, the experts at Lavi can help you design an ideal approach.  Request a sales call or explore our electronic queuing and digital signage solutions.  


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