Stanchion Rope Barriers: Best Quality Velvet Rope | Lavi
Velvet Rope and Swag Barriers

Velvet Rope and Swag Barriers

Velvet Rope Barriers: Practical and Elegant Barrier Rope for Stanchions


From traditional red velvet to sturdy polyester, our large selection of styles, colors and finishes will complement almost any environment. Indoor and outdoor options provide effective crowd control without sacrificing elegance. Our rope barriers are a perfect fit for any occasion, event or business. View, select and customize below:

Explore our Public Guidance Blog

Check out these popular blog post about queuing and stanchions.

Queuing in Style: Does Your Queue Support Your Brand Personality?

Whatever your business, if you have waiting lines, the look of your queue can support or detract from the personality of your brand. What image are you seeking to portray? Read on and explore these varied queue styles.


The Anatomy of a Traditional Post & Rope Stanchion [Infographic]

When people encounter post and rope stanchions at a venue, it often doesn’t cross their mind that they’re essentially being barred from an area or being told where to stand and wait. Post and rope stanchions are subtle and tasteful crowd control barriers that get the job.


Need more information?

Call us at 1.888.285.8605 Monday - Friday 7 am to 5 pm, Pacific Time, or complete the form on the following page to contact us.